Wednesday 12 January 2011

Case Histories

Case Histories
Kate Atkinson

'Case Histories' is Kate Atkinson's first crime novel. It is excellent; well written and absorbing. 'Case Histories' is the story of three seemingly unconnected crimes but as the plot unweaves it becomes more apparent that everything in this world is truly interlinked. The cunning private eye is a typical detective; ex-policeman with baggage (an ex-wife and murdered sister), a slight drinking problem, and a strong moral compass.

This is an involving novel and a fine example of "literary crime" (that's fine as in good, not as in okay). It's a detective story with an excellent, likeable, detective, and the other characters are correspondingly strong and well drawn. 'Case Histories' doesn't lose any of the thrill factor due it's distinctly high-brow origins, rather, it's enhanced by them.

I really enjoyed this book and have gone on to read others in the series and been similarly amused. I'd definitely recommend it for crime fiends who fancy something a little bit different!

Buy it from your local bookstore or here on

(Case Histories has just been adapted into a drama on the BBC. Check it out on iplayer!)

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