Thursday 30 June 2011

Just Listen

Just Listen
Sarah Dessen

'Just Listen' is my favourite of Sarah Dessen's books. Like her other books it is well written with convincing characters and an involving storyline. 'Just Listen' tells the tale of Annabel, the girl with a seemingly perfect life; she's beautiful, bright, with a bustling social life and a supportive family.

Except her best friend has spent the summer spreading rumours about her and turning her friends against her. Except her sister has just been diagnosed with a serious eating disorder. Except that her mother is pushing her into continuing her modelling career, when right now, all Annabel wants to do is hide.

'Just Listen' is a great book for teenage girls. It tackles adolescent issues in a tactful and respectful manner without being pious and preachy. Annabel is a wonderful character, and is easily relatable to. The message of the novel is encapsulated by the title and, in the end, Annabel is saved from having to hide by someone who is willing to listen.

Buy it for your daughters and read it for yourself from or your local bookshop.

(Plus the covers of Sarah Dessen's books are totally awesome.)

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